Susnet: Small Scale partnership to promoting the design of a SUStainable NETwork under the Erasmus + programme
KA210-VET – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Duration of the project
01.11.2021- 01.11.2023
Number of the project
KA210 2021-1-ES01-KA210-VET-000034555
Project Description
SUSNET will study examples in the partner countries in relation to sustainable collaboration between entrepreneurs, SMEs and entities for the coordinated reduction of environmental impact.
The main objective of SUSNET is presenting best practices concerning sustainable collaboration and training partners about how to create effective partnerships that support the achievement of SDGs within sustainable local, national and international networks.
Target Group
The main target group of SUSNET are firstly the project partners and their internal staff members. In addition, as the second target group will be trainers and VET organisations to train future entrepreneurs in sustainability
Project results
The outcomes of SUSNET will be exchange of knowledge and training for our staff, that will impact our publics, via:
- A sustainable concept guide to applying to the organization, with info about internal processes to apply to train the staff in this topic
- A guideline with different sustainable network best practices to train the staff about how they can apply these best practices in their own network
- A short guide about how to engage the different stakeholders of the organization to create new sustainable networks
Partners’ list
- Coworking Plus Denmark
- OPENCOM I.S.S.C. Italy