
B-ECO: Start-up Eco Entrepreneurs Project


KA220-VET Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Duration of the project


Number of the project


Project Description

B-ECO is an EU-wide partnership project designed to identify core and innovative learning methods that best encourage success in competencies and skills (based on EntreComp) related Continuous Improvement Skills, and innovation activities for VET trainers in the eco-entrepreneurial sector and entrepreneurs, potential entrepreneurs, unemployed people, & start-ups.


During the project, we will deliver training and practical managerial education among training providers from partner’s countries through an innovative training focused on eco entrepreneurship, innovation and management on eco-businesses, and a new and innovative e-learning platform oriented to create a unique space of shared knowledge and experiences between course users. This innovative training course will function in both ways, 2 to be delivered by trainers & 2 independently as online course to help us reach the highest possible quantity of users.

Target Group

The project’s target groups are trainers to train entrepreneurs, unemployed people and start-ups into acquiring new competencies and skills to improve their creativity and innovation capacities and opportunities concerning the eco-entrepreneurial sector.

Project results

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